Friday, September 14, 2007

#24: Jump into life

My darling friend RR, she who I owe the apology to for the John Donne quote (short version -- the man wasn't a feminist), has created this interesting stepladder of inspiration for me. I once gave her a card with a photograph of a girl in a pinafore jumping in the air, I think the title was Alice in Wonderland. She framed it, kept it, and eventually decided to dedicate the year of her thirtieth birthday to leaping into life. She proceeded to jump out of an airplane. And now the thing I kind of inadvertently inspired her to do continues to inspire me, as I think about ways to push myself into living more, being more, and leaping.

Or, as Laurie Anderson said, walking is just falling and then catching yourself from falling.

I love this:

but the artist says in her notes that the online store included home appliances, and when I took a look it seemed like that meant coasters and clocks. Disappointing, because I would totally buy a dishwasher with a photograph of a man in Marrakech jumping so high he can touch his toes.

I've decided to spend my upcoming birthday with my husband playing hooky and museum hopping in Manhattan, then I go to my second jewelry class where I will hopefully take a blowtorch to some gold. Sounds like a perfect day. I'm excited to look at some art and grow some more ideas that I never might have had otherwise.

Until tomorrow.

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