Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Interverse, Keep Listening

I have a very large and swirling essay taking shape that may take awhile to work out so my posts are going to be short right now.

There was a horrible story over the weekend here in Brooklyn that made the national press. A three year old boy was apparently so horribly abused by his guardians that they killed him. It also seems that people in the neighborhood were aware of the abuse and did not report it. My son is three. My first thought was, I would have taken in this child.

My husband and I have spoken in vague terms over the years about becoming foster parents somewhere down the line. We've now agreed to find out what that would entail and if we could make it work. If we can't, we will then find out what form our desire to personally affect children's lives in a positive and nourishing way would take.

Here's what I want, Interverse.

I want to have a direct effect, through direct action, on changing the horror out there in the world. One tiny piece. Whatever I can handle. Give me the thing I can change, whether it is an action I can take or a person I can love. I'll know it when I see it.

And if you can work it, I'd like to see the horrible stories in the news affect others this way too. I'm tired of hearing people sigh and gasp over things that are horrible; I'm tired of reading blog rants that make the ranter feel like an activist when all they've actually done is relieve themselves of their rage.

Action. Action. Action.

Be well,



Anonymous said...

Very inspired reading throughout. Nice website, thanks for sharing.

God Bless...

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy this blog. I am also a blogger and decided to add myself to your entrecard. Please if you are interested lets do some guest blogging on each others blogs. Thanks

Anonymous said...


Here in Durham, NC I volunteer with a program that reaches out to new moms. It started out as an effort to address child maltreatment and violence by giving or linking parents to supports they need.

Once a week, I visit new moms in the hospital and tell them about all the resources available and encourage them to sign up for our mailing list (not poor moms, or moms of color, ALL the moms that gave birth in the hospital)

The organization also has phone volunteers who mentor new moms and make themselves available for questions, concerns etc.

I'm sure somewhere in NYC there is a similar program. If not, maybe you need to start one? Look at your local hospital web sites.....

Just one idea for your call to the universe!

JennyC, NC Chapter of International Order of Jennys

Anonymous said...

That's Great I really think it's good to see people willing to help others online and offline. Great to hear about that. Although I'm in Canada, it does sound like an opportunity that we may not have here either. Hope to talk to you again soon. Cheers