Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Today is Some Day

I woke up with the clear thought in my head that "Today is the day." For what, I don't know. Possibly for my state's governor to step down admidst a sex ring scandal.

I have to say this doesn't surprise me all that much. I'm a Democrat but couldn't bring myself to vote for him. He has a holier-than-thou, Elliot Ness, I'm the good guy and you are the bad guys approach. I've always thought that's just the personality type of the Attorney General, the position formerly held by Spitzer and Guliani, who had the same outlook before becoming America's Mayor. People so hot to damn others, people that mighty, tend to fall.

If you've been waiting for a day to change, to do better, to accept the truth, to go get a donut, go do it today. Today is the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The reason so many people FALL amidst a 'Scandal' like that is, they forget themselves, that they too are Human.

what people fail to see is that the 'Sex Ring' was actually a LEGAL business operating in NY, with the Licenses and Permits required to operate.

It's almost as bad as asking a Rabbi to step down from his position in the community because he patronized a Butcher, who just happened to also deal with Pork products.

It's ridiculous. The Man should simply look at the reporters who are reporting this as 'Scandalous' right in the eye and say 'Yea, I did. What's your point?'

There is No shame in admitting that you are HUMAN.